We had a great Easter weekend. It started Saturday morning. We woke up really early and drove about an hour up the coast to get two new chickens. Before we got them, we only had one little bantam hen, and our duck Ferdinand. Our other hen flew the coop. She didn't like us very much. So it was for the better that she left. These two hens are Anconas. They are tall and beautiful. We bought them through Trademe. Its like a Craigslist for New Zealand. When we got there, they were all boxed up and ready to be transported to their new home. As we were trying to put them in their new coop, one of them escaped. It took a long time to find her. She lay low and still in a pile or brush in the back of the yard until I found her and chased her into a corner. When I grabbed her by the tail and swung her upside down so she couldn't resist, she squawked like I was killing her. She was so loud. I thought to myself, This is a real chicken. I never really cared for bantams. They are so fast and skittish. I love the little one I have. But she wasn't what I thought I was getting when we bought her. So it is nice to have big, hearty chickens that are loud. Twice these hens have squawked like they were going to lay an egg, and nothing. But finally this morning we found a pretty little white one sitting on the ground. I'm disappointed they didn't use the hen house. But I am so happy that we finally got our first egg.
On Easter morning Morgan and I woke up early and went on a little hike to the ridge above our house so we could watch the sunrise. It was quite glorious. This has been our Easter tradition for about three years. So far this sunrise was the most spectacular.
Later that day we threw a little party. At first we thought no one was going to come. But everyone showed up about an hour late. Then someone told us that it was daylight savings time. So as it turned out, everyone was actually on time. About twelve people showed up. We went looking for plastic eggs so we could put candy in them and hide them in our back yard for our guests to find. As it turns out, there are no plastic eggs in New Zealand. We also wanted to buy white eggs for people to dye and decorate. But you cant find white eggs at the supermarket. So we made cookies in the shape of eggs and had people decorate them with frosting. We also filled up party bags with candy and hid them all over our yard. Morgan made everyone Eggs Benedict, which I was really impressed with since he had never poached an egg before a few days ago. And it turned out great. After all the cleaning and entertaining we went to sleep at about 9:30. We really wanted to sleep in the next day. But because of the new Daylight Savings time, we only slept until about 7:00am, which turned out good because we had time to have a cup of coffee and take Tobi for a walk before Morgan had to go off to work.
In other news. My friend Cat and I are selling burritos at Weta Digital 2 days a week. So far we have sold out every time. Its great to have a little side money making thing going on. I don't know if I have mentioned this before, but I am also working full time at a little cafe in Island Bay. Its great because I am getting to know locals, and am keeping busy.
That is about all here. We are so happy. I love this place and our little home.
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