We are really enjoying ourselves here in our new home. So much has happened since I last wrote. It's been busy! I got a new job. I work at a little cafe in Island bay. Its just three bays down. So I drive along the water five days a week just in time to watch the sun rise. I am quitting swim lessons. Next Thursday is my last day. They only gave me about five hours a week for five weeks straight. So I decided to look for work somewhere else. Now I am getting too much work it seems. A Kiwi work week can go up to 50 hours before you get paid overtime, which is what I am pushing. But it is good for me because Morgan works just as much, and being busy makes me save money. I like my job. I make coffee and serve people savory and sweet pastries. What is more important is that I am meeting local people. Its good to get a feel of the place by working somewhere like this. Some people are totally awesome. I met this wonderful old woman who's daughter lives in San Francisco. She came in everyday for a week for an Americano and to chit chat. She had a temporary job in the area. On her last day she she gave me her card and told me that if I ever got homesick and needed someone to spend time with to just give her a call. That moment was the first time I actually felt that aching home sick feeling. It made me miss my wonderful family.
Lets see... I think it is impossible for me to have less than two jobs. I quit my swim lessons job so that I could have more time to work at the cafe. But then my friend and I decided to sell burritos once a week where our husbands work. We thought we would make a few extra bucks. But apparently there is a high demand for Mexican food here. We brought in 30 burritos to sell at three different buildings. We sold out at the second one. There was literally a line. It was kind of crazy. Afterward the receptionist asked us to to make more and include a vegetarian burrito. So we are going to go from 30 burritos once a week to 120 burritos twice a week. This is going to be a little ridiculous I am sure. But we made really good money from it.
I met a sailing instructor who offered to take us out on his 40 ft sail boat. It was a beautiful day with plenty of wind. I really enjoyed it because although I have spent plenty of time on a boat, I rarely get to spend a lot of time at the helm. But this time, I was there nearly the whole trip. I feel like I learned more in those few hours than I did working three months on a sailing catamaran in Maui. It was awesome. We sailed over to this little island along the west coast and had coffee. Then before the wind picked up too much, we sailed back.
Well, it is really late and I am so tired from all that burrito business that I am going to stop there. I am sorry there is nothing eloquent about this post. But I just thought I would keep you updated. More later....
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