Tuesday, February 2, 2010


Something that I really love about the house that we are going to live in is that it isn't even part of town. The closest one is Miramar, where both mine and Morgan's jobs are. After work today I did a little bit of exploring there. Its a nice change from down town Wellington where our hotel is located. Its small and has beachy feeling. The houses are almost all made with wood siding and have sun rooms on their front porches. People have Victory Gardens right in their front yards, not because its trendy, but because its economical and rewarding. Most homes do not have electric dryers. Rather, they hang their clothes outside to be dried by the wind bright sun. When we moved here I was a little sad because I had to dismantle my succulent garden and give away all my plants that had grown from little clippings that I found around our old Berkeley neighborhood. I was so happy to find that people fancy succulents here, just like back home. So it will be a new adventure, hunting around for new succulent starters to plant all over the front and back yard of our new house. Rose bushes and citrus trees decorate the quiet, wide road neighborhoods. Seagulls are ever present, just like in California. But they are miniature and even a little bit cute. Their cry is a higher pitch and a little more comical. Miramar has no high apartment buildings like where we are staying now. Its just a little town with one main grocery store, and lots of second hand shops. I like it very much.
There are some funny little differences between New Zealand and the states. Claritin, my allergy medicine of choice, is spelled with a Y. Things are quite a bit more expensive. But when you factor in quality, the cost of importation, and the fact that tip and taxes are included, things seem a little more reasonable. If you go to order a milkshake, you will get flavored milk. If you ask for a thick shake, you will get flavored milk with a glucose thickener in it. Pies are generally made of meat, not fruit. And the drinking age is 18. So at times, down town Wellington feels like prom night.
I can't wait to move into our little house and begin painting, taking walks on the beach with Tobi, and collecting shells.

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