Almost a month ago Morgan got an email from Weta Digital, an animation company in New Zealand. They were interested in interviewing him. The following Sunday he got a phone interview. A few days later, he got a job! Now we are on our way to New Zealand. When we first heard from Weta, we were a Little reluctant. Morgan applied to the company almost nine months ago. Since then, I had been accepted to graduate school at USF, we were looking to get a tortoise, and we we're looking for a little house with a big back yard so we could have a garden and chickens. All along Morgan said it wasn't a matter of if he would get the job, it was a matter of when. So... our tentative date is January 23rd. The deciding factor was if our animals could go. When we first decided we wanted to go several months ago, we started the import process for them. You need to start the testing and vaccination for animals at least six months in advanced. Because we had already prepared them to go several months ago, all of their labs and blood work are up to date and they only have about three weeks before all of it would expire and they would have to start the entire process over. We had to hire a pet courier company which seemed pretty pricey. But the truth is, they were worth every penny. With only three weeks to go, they managed to get it all worked out with the USDA and MAF and get an import permit for them. As of now, they are flying out on Friday, two weeks before us. So its really important that we get our visas in time so that we get there and find a house before they get out of quarantine. So, now I am just getting rid of stuff, cleaning, and getting ready to get the heck out of here.
Here are a few things that I love about New Zealand:
1.There is no nuclear anything
2.There is no genetically modified food
3.The guy that first climbed Mount Everest is on their five dollar bill
4.It is the norm to walk your dog without a leash
5.The country decided MTV was trash so they got rid of it
6.Almost every house has a gorgeous view
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